Cheap Solar – A Cautionary Tale
In Australia out of 1.7 million solar installations, too many are in the category of ‘crap solar’.
‘Crap solar’ is a system that under-performs or is simply dead – sometimes without the owner’s knowledge. Avoid being a ‘crap solar’ owner. Buy cheap; be seduced by ‘no-brands’ with long but worthless warranties and you will be the proud owner of ‘crap solar’.
There is even a Facebook page with close to 12,000 members called ‘Crap Solar’.
If you would like to view the page yourself, you can find it at:
Cheap panels are a sure path to disastrous issues well before the “crazy” warranties quoted will be “possibly” honoured.
Here in the Snowy Monaro we have our fair share of “Crap Solar” as too often, companies from out of our region have flown in, poorly installed substandard systems (crap solar) and then left, leaving unsuspecting locals with the unenviable task of sorting out inferior products and installations.
The old adage of “Buy quality; buy once”, has never been stronger than now, in the solar industry. Today a quality mid-size system installed in the Snowy Monaro will cost between $8,500 and $10,500. Be careful if the quote is much cheaper than that. A quality system can last for decades, a cheap system will definitely not stand the test of time. - just check this table out:
The lack of quality products and support is exactly the reason we established the business here in the Snowy Monaro. You can expect the entire project to be designed, and installed, by suitably accredited & trained, local specialists and tradespeople.
There are five main benefits of installing solar at your home:
1. Solar Power can save you money - By using your own electricity rather than buying it from your electricity company, you will save money with every kW/h of electricity you use from your solar system.
2. Environmental Benefits – By using electricity generated from solar panels, we reduce the need to generate electricity from fossil fuels like coal and gas which create carbon dioxide (CO2).
3. Energy Independence –This reduces your reliance on the electricity grid and electricity retailers etc and increases your control over your future electricity needs, expenses and lifestyle especially if you add batteries to your system in the future.
4. Property Value – Home buyers are increasingly recognising that a home with quality solar panels installed will have lower electricity costs.
5. Energy reliability – High quality solar power systems are a reliable power source for many years.
Snowy Reginal Solar is part of the LG solar network and as such enjoys one of the highest installation reputations in the solar industry. This also means in future years your ongoing system support is guaranteed via LG solar and the associated partners. Our systems are designed for maximum long term life and therefore maximum financial return.
The Beginners Guide to Solar
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What Bad Solar Looks Like
7 Reasons Why LG Panels Will Save You